Monday, May 2, 2011

a cord of 3 strands is not easily broken...

My sisters have been on my heart so much lately.  As I become more and more of a grown up, I have learned that good, real relationships are hard to come by.  In my life I have had ALL the relationships... good, bad, real, fake, seasonal, benefitial, harmful, and so on.  Throughout all the seasons of my life so many people have come and gone.. but the people who have had the most influence on my heart has been my family.  I am so blessed to have a mom and dad who led our family by the example of Christ's love, and because of that no matter how far apart my sisters and I are we only manage to grow stronger as the years go by.  It is the highlight of my day to get a phone call or text from one of my sisters.  It brings so much joy to my heart that whenever something exciting happens in one of their lives, they think to call me first so that I can celebrate with them.  It also means the world to me that whenever they are having a hard day or something is stealing their joy that they call me for encouragement, prayer, or just someone to vent to or cry with.  (because we all know that I am quick to cry at the drop of a hat... ) At the same time, it feels so good and comforting to know that I have two best friends that are attached to me for a life time (whether they like it or not :) and that they have my back no matter what.  Jesus created the 3 of us so differently and unique.  We all look different and have completely different personalities and interests, but I believe our hearts look very similar on the inside.  I appreciate both of my sisters for who they are, but most of all I appreciate them for how they show their love for me...
...Sara... sometimes I think she isn't human.  There is no one in the world stronger than Sara Elaine Krimm in my eyes.  She has always been the "tough" one of the three and I have always admired that about her.  I tease her all the time about how she lives in "Sara World" and I wish she would pay attention more when I talk to her, but I love that about her.  She is one of the most talented people I know.. one of those people that we all hate because she is literally good at everything.  I like to credit myself for her being such a good writer because when we were younger I used to speak for her, so I am sure it must have forced her to start writing since I wouldn't let her talk!  The best thing about Sara though, is her passion.  Whether she is playing a sport or instrument, writing a paper, making a peanut butter pie, or worshiping in church she is passionate about it.  She has never done anything half-hearted- including loved.  When Sara loves, she loves hard.  I am so thankful that she loves me as hard as she does.  I can remember when I was going through the worst part of an unhealthy relationship and Sara would be the first person I called when I needed someone to listen.  She didn't judge me, tell me how dumb I was, or even judge the one who was hurting me.  She just loved me.  And prayed for me.  And loved me some more.  I am so thankful for that, because even though I know she wanted to smack some sense into me she prayed for me and she let me be hurt and she just listened.  There is line in a Drake song (yes, I am about to quote Drake talking about you, Sara...) that makes me think of Sara every time I hear it.  He says, "my heart's big but it beats quiet".  She is the definition of someone with a giant heart and few words... she speaks through the way she loves, and her heart speaks LOUD :).
...Sydney... oh, my biff squid!  Sydney is one of kind.  Anyone who knows her knows that there is no one in the world like her.  I feel like she and I are alike in so many ways, but different at the same time.  Sydney is sensitive like me, but she has a little more fire in her than me.  She and I get our sensitive hearts from our mom, but she gets her inappropriate humor and goofy side from our dad.  I have literally laughed at Sydney until I cried MANY times in my life.  She is a fighter and it is so encouraging to see her walking so strong in her faith right now.  I am so thankful that Jesus is using the obstacles she has overcome in her life already to be a testimony to high school girls in College Station.  She is a true picture that Jesus takes our mistakes and turns them into moments of grace.  The best thing about Sydney is her loyalty.  If she loves you, you will never question her loyalty to you.  She has your back no matter what, and she will be the first one to go to bat with you if you need her to.  If you mess with someone that she loves, you've messed with her too and she will stick to that until the end!  I can remember any time anyone hurt my feelings, even when we were little, Sydney was the first one to stand up for me.  Sydney is a fire ball, and she is going to change lives as she takes that fire and lets it burn for Jesus! 

My sisters are the most beautiful two people I know... not only on the outside but more importantly they have beautiful hearts and I am so thankful to have younger sisters who I can look up to spiritually.  Together we are are triple-threat... so watch out people!  :)

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken..."  Ecclesiastes 4:12

Love you two!!!