Thursday, March 10, 2011

i wanna be like peter!

Although I am a HUGE Disney fan (maybe one of the biggest)... I am not talking about Peter Pan here.  As nice as it would be to never grow up, change and growth is inevitable- and exciting!! Since I graduated in May I have spent the last 9 months trying to figure out how to be a grown up.  It isn't an easy task!  I have made plenty of dumb decisions and I am sure I have plenty more ahead of me.  It never ceases to amaze me how every time that I begin to wander down the wrong path, Jesus uses something or someone to grab my hand and pull me back to Him.  I am slowly starting to realize that the excitement of being a grown up in the real world isn't half as great as the excitement of becoming a spiritual grown up. 

In 1 Peter 2, Peter talks about becoming a spiritual grown up.  I love verse 2... it says "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good."  This is so encouraging to me at this point in my life because sometimes I feel like I am walking through days blind-folded, trying to figure out this whole grown up thing.  I want to crave the "spiritual milk" that Peter talks about so that I can be a grown up in my salvation.  What is the point in trying to be a grown up in the "real world" if I'm not a grown up walking in the light of Jesus? 

My most frustrating thing that I deal with on a daily basis at work is people in the outside agencies that I work with not taking me seriously because of my age.  Just when I am feeling confident in my job and like I'm getting the hang of being a professional, someone makes a comment about my age or doesn't take me serious or respect me because I am so young.  I feel like I have to work twice as hard to earn the respect of other professionals, and earn the respect from even my clients because I am young.  One day I was really struggling with this and having what I call an "emotional breakdown" (I have those often) and Jesus led me to 1 Timothy 4.  He said to me "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, life, love and purity."  Perfect, and exactly what I needed to hear.  When I wake up in the mornings before another day at attempting to survive in the "big girl world", I now ask Jesus to feed me with my "spiritual milk" so that I can set an example for anyone that I come in contact with- no matter the age- through my faith.  Like it says in Romans 8, "if my God is for me, WHO can be against me?" My answer is absolutely NObody :).  Love me some Peter Pan, but unfortunately the world isn't "never neverland"... so I'm gonna keep striving to  humble myself before the Lord like Peter, the desciple of Jesus.

Peace out trouts :)


  1. This has volumes of truth to it!! You are an example of christ no matter your age. I pray that God gives you the "spiritual milk" to grow you up so he can give you his "solid food" as Paul talks about when we keep growing in our faith in Christ.
